Wednesday 7 January 2015

Lezzgerirown, 2015!

Hiiiiiiii. This should be my first post here in my new blog which is Anything Under The G.. But because we stayed up late and woke up in the afternoon of January 1, I wasn't able to blog about it. Then my laziness prevailed... But I didn't let that stop me from blogging. Because for this year, I am challenging my self to finish what I have started. Chos. But I really do wish I can. Haha. So now, I'd like to share you all how we welcomed 2015.

Me, my Mom, Ate Oli (Mom's friend who really cooks well) and our helpers prepared the food that we're going to eat for the New Year's Eve. Actually this is the first time that I helped making the food because usually I'm just surfing the net or watching the TV while my Mom and our helpers are busy doing the kitchen stuffs for occasions like this. Well now I can say that I've fully grown up. Chos again.

Fast forward.. Right in the middle of cooking some of the dishes, my back pain strikes and my feet aches due to I keep on going in and out our house to get the ingredients needed for the food. Ugh. Disadvantage of big people like me. Haha. So I took a nap for awhile.. Then when I got some energy, I made my version of Shrimp Scampi Pasta which is my Mom's request because she's getting sick with the taste of spaghetti na daw.

Here are some of the pictures of the food that we've prepared for the New Year's Eve..

Korean Beef Bulgogi

Beef Caldereta
Anything with beef is fine with me!

Arroz Valenciana
This one's a Paella-type..

Chicken Asado
Also one of my favorite because of the chicken!

Mom's own recipe of Garlic Shrimp with Orange Juice
This is my siblings and I's all-time favorite dish.

My own version of Shrimp Scampi Pasta
If you wanna try to make one, just comment below and I'll make a blog on how to cook this.

Kakanin (Rice Cakes)
Actually, this was just a gift from my Mom's friend. It's a home made pichi-pichi from Ate Raquel. And that suman beside it is from our Grandmother & Grandfather.

We also made a Fruit Salad and Buko-Lychee Salad but sorry I wasn't able to take a picture of it..

And the traditional New Year's Eve fruit

Right when the clock ticks to 12mn...
My Mom and our kasambahays

Gheanna blowing her torotot

And of course... Family picture!

And our favorite part.... Chibugan time!
After our buffet session, my Mom decided to let us play Bingo to make our night more fun. And! It comes with a prize! Whoever wins in a round gets to receive a money as a prize.
Sorry for the messy table.. It's our pang tantos. Haha.

The funny thing is, even Rhev's friends joined the game as well because they also want to win the prize rather than drinking. Hahaha. So after we finished playing Bingo, we played the Beer Pong naman. But I wasn't able to take a picture of it because we were busy playing it na. And my team lose din naman. Haha. Losers.

By the way, this is me and my college friend, Mollyn. She visited me around 2am, I think? We were the one who started the Beer Pong game.

I can say that this New Year celebration has been one of the happiest New Year's Eve we have ever had. Plus, this is the first time a friend of mine visited me in our house right at the time of New Year's Eve. My high school friends which is in Manila kasi haven't been to our house pa because Bulacan is far from there. But I hope one day they can. N'Aww. I miss them so baddd!

I hope this 2015, life for me and my family would be better unlike our life last 2014. I'm excited to what will happen to us this year! I promised my self that I'll be more responsible as a daughter to my mom, Elder sister to my siblings, and a diligent student. I have no idea and I don't know what kind of challenges God will give me this year but I know He'll never leave me like He did to me and my family last year. I'm ready to face any trials that God will put me into because I know He's just molding me to become a better princess of Him. So lezzgerirown, 2015! 

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