Hola! So as you have read on the Home tab, my name is Gherella Reyes (jhe-re-la). My family called me "Ghea", but my friends are fond of calling me "Ghe" as most of them are having a hard time pronouncing my first name. Usually, people mistakenly read my name as Guerilla or Jirila and worst... Gorilla. That's why the first thing I always tell to the people who I met for the first time is... "Hi, my name is Gherella. But you can call me Ghe." so they won't mispronounce my name. LOL.

I'm 22 years of age. Yes. Welcome to the world of 20s! But still 16 at heart. I'm a Management Accounting student at Centro Escolar University of Malolos. Irregular student due to I was a transferee from the University of the Growling Tigers.

I'm the eldest daughter of the family. I have 3 siblings namely: Rhev, Ghelleny, and Gheanna. My dad is Relly Reyes and my mom is Evangeline Reyes. She is by the way, the Zumba Queen in Bulacan-- Madam Eva Reyes.

I love to do random things. And by random things, I mean baking--singing--watching movies--organising stuffs (though my room is still a mess)--playing random games on iPad/iPhone--listening to music in Spotify depending on my mood--updating my planner and so much more. I'm a coffee lover and my dungeon is Starbucks. Eating is my forte. That's why some of my friend calls me "Foodie" and "Sexy G".

I'm gonna be a CPA in the near future. I don't know how I'm gonna reach that dream of mine, but I have the Almighty God in my life and heart so I'm confident I'll be a CPA someday.

Actually I already have a blog but I wasn't able to update it anymore because I went back to school and have been really busy catching up on school works and etc. I hope that with this new blog, I'll be able to manage to update it properly. :)

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