Monday 7 November 2016

Cafe de Blas: A Cup Beyond The Rest

I've been hearing good reviews on how nice the ambiance and the food of Cafe de Blas is, and at the same time bad reviews that their food are a bit price-y. Well that led me to be really intrigued on what this shop is up about. 'Twas my first time here accompanied with my loves, Mollyn and Keziah. 
But please bear with me 'cause I was not ready on blogging about Cafe de Blas--for this food trip was also just a biglaan. So mejo kulang kulang 'tong post ko. Well actually I took this shots for my Instagram feed only, but I really wanted to put a glow on my blog again so I decided to make post about the coffee shop. 

You can never go wrong with the garden friendly type of this coffee shop. It never gets old. Definitely loving the ambiance of it.

Seating in a spot like this brick and wood arched garden gate feels like you're in an English garden even though it's just a wallpaper. Way too relaxing.

Not only is this shop reminding us on how beautiful the old-fashion style is, but also gave me a thumbs up on how well they mixed up putting up modern style like this DIY-ed lighting, light bulb in a mason jar.

Being a coffee lover, this is the first thing my eyes laid on when we entered Cafe de Blas. Loving the Coffee-O-Logy wallpaper! 

Due to our hungriness (hungry as a bear), I forgot to take a picture of the menu. Sorry, my bad. But hey, you can't blame me for being just a human. A human who's hungry af. Hehe. Anyways, these are what we ordered. Forgive me for also forgetting the prices of what we ordered. Talk about being old and famished. Chos! Oh just bear with me guys. Haha.

First off, coffee-s. Yaaas. All for the love of coffee-s. Here's what we ordered. Mine is an Iced Caramel Macchiato, while Keziah and Mollyn's are frappucinos (Forgot what kind of frapp it is). 

The drinks were okay. Much better than the ETC drinks. Sorry guys but still a Starbucks lover here.

And for our food, quoting aside a funny line, "There is no 'WE' in 'FOOD'." Cue-ing Ariana Grande's song, 'Greedy'. LOL.

Mollyn's (Yes, diet sya!):

The salad was good, but the serving is bad. Very nakaka-bitin.

Keziah's (She's really into burgers, 'ya know):

The burger was superb. The patty was juicy and big. So yes, kudos to this.

And mine's... (Who's strictly on a serious diet):

Definitely giving the pasta a thumbs up with pinky finger!

Not. Who says I'm on a diet? Hahaha. Here's what I really ordered:

Loving the atsara and buro aside, I think?

I know, I know. Carbs on carbs on carbs. Whatever! As long as me and my tummy is happy, nothing can stop us from loving food even reading and hearing the word carbs is making me feel guilty. Haha.  
All in all, the food was delish but not satisfying enough to provide what a regular tummy needed to be fed on. Plus the price is really not proportioned to the serving size of their food. Peace! The coffee is also a thumbs up, but almost as same amount with the Starbucks drinks which is a price-y too. My friends and I did enjoy our stay here, though Mollyn got bitin with her salad. Imagine me on her shoes pa, right? Hahaha. 

Hmmm. Yes I'll absolutely be back here. I have yet still to try their pastries. Ugh, sorry I wasn't able to take a picture of that too. But looking at their pastries, it's an eye catching. So for my next trip here, I'll certainly order that one up. 

Blas Ople Diversion Road, Bulihan, Malolos, Bulacan
Monday-Sunday: 10am-11pm

Contact them at:
(044) 931 3090

Follow/Like their sites at:
Facebook: Cafe de Blas
Instagram: @cafedeblas

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