Saturday 3 September 2016

A Comeback?

Pa-question mark talaga yung title of this post. Hahaha. I'm really not promising myself that I'll be consistent on blogging again. Ayoko na paasahin pati sarili ko. Awow naman humugot pa hahaha.

So wow, it's been a year and a month na pala since my last post. Well anywayz, I think I'll be back from blogging again for I missed it and I realized how good blogging is talaga 'cause I was able to reminisce the past stuff I did. A really good thing to recall every experience I'll be going through. Whuuut? Hahaha ang drama kainis. Pero ayun nga I said na I'm not promising na I'll be steady on blogging. Please Ghe naman wag ka na tamarin.

Plus, I got my DSLR fixed naman na and we have a new laptop! Yay! Tho my brother's gonna bring it with him in Manila for their thesis. Hayz. Anyhow, our desktop's still alive and kicking pa naman so pagtyagaan na lang hahaha. If anyone is reading this, sorry ang dami kong kaartehan and excuses hahaha gosh I'm so lame =))

Sayang din naman if I won't be able to share my experiences to people (again, if there's someone reading my post lang naman haha). At least here, I'll be able to share naman 'cause I'm not really a vocable person. As in. I prefer writing than speaking in front of a bunch of people. Mej slow kasi ako mag-isip charrr! I'm more of a listener din kasi than a talker (except with the people I'm close with ah). And this is also a good outlet whenever I wanna rant over annoying things and ayun nga, this is where I can express my inner talker.

So yeah I hope I'll be able to work this off this time. I'll find a bag na nga that will help me carry in my DSLR haha it's heavy kasi kaya most of the time talaga tinatamad na lang ako. Eh ang arte ko pa naman 'cause even though pwede naman sa phone na lang mag picture, I still insist posting better quality pictures hahaha. See ang arte haha daming keme =)) Okay so I'll end my post here na. Let's see what my next post's gonna be. Ciao!

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